Pirates of the Caribbean is getting another change to the ride, and some might see it as a big one. Disney will be changing the role of the Redhead, the most famous animatronic of the ride. Rumors are she is joining the Pirates.
The Redhead is staying in a revamp of the scene, which will debut at Disneyland and Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom next year. But in
stead of waiting to be sold off, this time, she will be doing the “buying,” joining the pirates to relieve the people of the Mercado of their possessions. (ThemeParkInsider)
We will likely hear the last of the chant “We wants the Redhead” after Disney completes these changes next year. Disney has been profiting more from the scene by recently selling shirts and other apparel. The change is understandable, and it will be fun to see the rides “Redhead” get to be the main villain (potential Disney movie, Pirates of the Caribbean 6). Maybe now she gets a proper name?
The ride has gone through lots of modifications through the years, and some are even brought back to the ride. Adding Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow has been the largest change in recent years and probably the most dramatic. I love the ride but have always felt that Depp’s character doesn’t fit with the other animatronics of the ride. Those changes made sense to attract younger audiences to a ride that was getting a tad dated. Hopefully, they will refurbish/change other animatronics to guarantee the future of the ride for many decades to come.
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